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Compile PHP Classes for HTML Elements


Please note that code generation is not necessary, if you haven't made any changes to the HTML5 specification or the *.tpl.php files.

This repository uses the HTML5 specifications to auto-generate PHP Classes for HTML Elements and Attributes. You can modify the file HTML specifications to your needs src/Resources/definitions/html5.yaml and then re-build the HTML Element classes. You can also modify the class generation templates in the folder src/Resources/templates to change the class signature.


  • PHP 8.4+ installed

Basic use

To (re)generate all classes and enums from the HTML5 specification, run the following command.

php vendor/bin/ext-html

Sub commands

There are more parameters available for code generation.

php vendor/bin/ext-html make:enums # only generates enums used in the YAML specification
php vendor/bin/ext-html make:classes a # only generates the class for the Anchor element, no enums
php vendor/bin/ext-html make:classes # generates all classes, no enums

Custom HTML Specification File


Parameter isn't implemented yet.


@todo allow parameter or config file...

If you want to use your own HTML5 specification file, you can use the --specification option.

php vendor/bin/ext-html --specification path/to/my-html5-specification.yaml

This especially interesting if you:

  • want to merge your own CSS framework specifications into the PHP classes.
  • have different requirements (eg. want to compile the ARIA roles and properties) or the WCAG specifications directly into the HTML element classes.
  • simply want to enrich the PHP classes with your own attributes, such as instructions for faker, or other meta information.
  • just modified or added your own tpl.php files and want to re-generate the classes.

Custom Templates for class generation


Not implemented yet.

This library can be extended with custom templates for class generation.


@todo Add a config file where one can specify paths.

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